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User Journey

User Journey diagrams help visualize and analyze the user's experience through a process or service. They're excellent for mapping customer interactions and identifying pain points.


Basic Elements

  • Sections: Represented as columns
  • Tasks: Activities within sections
  • Scores: Numerical ratings for each task (1-5)

Basic Structure

    title [Journey Title]
    section [Section Name]
        [Task]: [Score]: [Actor]

Basic Example

    title My Working Day
    section Go to work
        Make tea: 5: Me
        Go upstairs: 3: Me
        Do work: 1: Me
    section Go home
        Go downstairs: 5: Me
        Sit down: 5: Me
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Advanced Example

Here's a more complex user journey showing an e-commerce experience:

    title Online Shopping Experience
    section Browse
        Visit homepage: 5: Customer
        Search product: 4: Customer
        View categories: 4: Customer
    section Product
        View details: 5: Customer
        Read reviews: 3: Customer
        Check stock: 3: Customer
    section Purchase
        Add to cart: 5: Customer
        Enter address: 2: Customer
        Payment: 3: Customer
    section Post-Purchase
        Order confirmation: 5: Customer
        Tracking info: 4: Customer
        Delivery: 3: Customer
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Scoring System

The scoring system uses numbers 1-5:

  1. Very Negative 😫
  2. Negative 😟
  3. Neutral 😐
  4. Positive 😊
  5. Very Positive 😄

Additional Features

Multiple Actors

    title Restaurant Order Process
    section Order
        Browse menu: 5: Customer
        Take order: 4: Waiter
        Process order: 3: Kitchen
    section Preparation
        Cook food: 4: Kitchen
        Quality check: 5: Manager
    section Service
        Serve food: 5: Waiter
        Eat meal: 5: Customer
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The diagram automatically:

  • Colors sections differently
  • Shows emoji for scores
  • Aligns tasks in chronological order
  • Groups related tasks in sections


  • Keep section names clear and concise
  • Use meaningful task descriptions
  • Be honest with scoring
  • Include all key touchpoints
  • Consider multiple user personas if relevant
  • Focus on the user's perspective
  • Use sections to group related activities