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Getting Started

This guide will help you quickly get started with Mermaid and Mermaid Viewer.


No software installation needed to use Mermaid Viewer! All you need to do is:

  1. Open your browser
  2. Visit Mermaid Viewer

That's it!

Create Your First Diagram

Let's start by creating a simple flowchart:

  1. In Mermaid Viewer, click "New Diagram"
  2. Choose "Flowchart" type
  3. Copy the following code into the editor:
graph LR
    A[Start] --> B[Step 1]
    B --> C[Step 2]
    C --> D[Done]
Ctrl + Enter|

That's it! You've created your first Mermaid diagram.

Basic Syntax

Mermaid's basic syntax is very intuitive:

  • Use graph to declare a flowchart
  • Use --> to create connections
  • Use [] for rectangular nodes
  • Use {} for diamond nodes
  • Use () for rounded nodes

For example:

graph TD
    A[Regular Node] --> B{Decision Node}
    B --> |Yes| C(Rounded Node)
    B --> |No| D((Circle Node))
Ctrl + Enter|

Next Steps

Now that you understand the basics, you can:

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use the live preview feature to see your changes instantly
  2. Take advantage of the auto-complete functionality
  3. Use the share feature to collaborate with others
  4. Save your diagrams for later editing

Ready to dive deeper? Let's explore Mermaid Viewer's features!